The check-in time for all rooms is between 3.00pm and 10.00pm. Check-out time is 11.00am on the day of departure. If guests check-out later than 11.00am, there will be a £10 per hour charge.

Car parking is available on site, subject to availability. There is ample space surrounding the front of the hotel too on the roadside. Vehicles are left parked at owners risk, and even though our carpark is monitored by CCTV, we hold no responsibility for vehicle damage or break-ins.

We kindly ask that during your stay, you respect the surrounding village neighbours and other hotel guests.

We hold the right to deduct costs of damage and breakages caused during your stay from the card you paid with.


Once we have taken payment for your booking, we are not obliged to offer a refund in accordance with the accommodation selling rules. Please note that a reservation is a legally binding contract and we urge you to take out travel insurance when you book.

Cancellations must be made within 7 days of arrival, any cancellation made after this period will be charged the total cost of the room in full. All cancellations must be sent in writing, either via email or letter (recorded delivery). We shall confirm with you once we have received the cancellation. We do not accept cancellations by telephone.